Archive Manager Suite

The Archive Manager suite of software is one of our archival documentation and management solutions. It runs on all platforms, including Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.

The Archive Manager range of software has been developed over 15 years of working with archivists and listening to their ideas, aims and requirements. SDS Archive Manager is your cost effective archive management system for small to medium sized organisations, including museums, library, schools, charities and clubs.

Fully ISAD compliant, Archive Manager is designed to assist archivists organise, track and preserve the records for which they are responsible.

The software suite

The Archive Manager Suite comprises a number of separately available to buy software packages...

Archive Virtual product shot

Archive Virtual

Archive Virtual is a modern, fully hosted, web based application used to describe and manage historical archives

Archive Server Product shot

Archive Server

Archive Server is a web based application that caters for multiple archival divisions within a single database

Archive Manager Product shot

Archive Manager

Archive Manager runs on most common platforms and is our most appropriate choice for the majority of small archives

Archive Browser Product shot

Archive Browser

Archive Browser is a web application that provides a facility for non-privileged users to browse the non-confidential information contained in an Archive Manager database

Awaiting image

Archive Asset Recorder

Archive Asset Recorder

Archivists Enquiry Tool

Archivists' Enquiry Tool

A bespoke system designed and implemented to ease and manage the daily/weekly enquiries for the heritage material Archivist(s)
