City of London & Livery

Livery Companies and the City of London: how safe are your unique and valuable heritage documents? The Royal Charters, original minutes and records, and other such items that cannot be produced again?

Can you guarantee to your successors that you have looked after and protected your Company's most valuable asset – its knowledge and information? How protected is your more recent electronic data? How can your Members access your data – with different security levels dependent on the confidentiality of each item? How easy is it for your Clerk to search for answers to obscure questions?

The SDS Group has provided the Worshipful Company of Marketors with solutions to these questions which we would like to share with you.

Livery Companies benefits

All Livery Company clients could benefit from the software already developed with and for the Worshipful Company of Marketors – this includes a comprehensive search tool which enables users to browse and extract any defined data.

In addition, whilst any archive web site will be designed to meet each Livery Company's brand and design rules, the experience gained with working to produce an Archive Website for the Worshipful Company of Marketors will undoubtedly save time and money.

Further information

For more information about our Livery and City of London services, visit our dedicated web site at

SDS City of London web site Click here